As a company that specializes in fire protection in Ohio, we are often asked about the differences between fire suppression agents. Here is a rundown of the basic differences between several popular agents: FM200, Halon 1301, NOVEC 1230 and Water Mist. FM200 This type of… Read more »
Hard Fire Suppression Systems Inc. Blog
The Truth about Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems
Rumors about commercial fire sprinkler systems are rampant. There are a lot of myths flying around about these fire suppression systems and how they function. As a company that installs commercial fire sprinkler systems in Columbus, we thought we would lay a few of these… Read more »
This Week is Fire Prevention Week
From October 5 through October 11, the National Fire Protection Association is sponsoring Fire Prevention Week. The goal is to raise awareness of what people can do to prevent fires. The biggest thing? Make sure there are good working smoke alarms in your home and… Read more »
Attn: Facilities Manager / Maintenance Supervisor
It is that time of year to start thinking of the heating portion of your climate control system, and its effect on the fire protection systems. Through the non-heating months, dust has been collecting on the heating coils. When your system calls for heat, these… Read more »
Welcome to Hard Fire Suppression’s New Site
As you’ve probably noticed, our website got a facelift! We still sell the same great fire protection systems in Ohio you’re used to, just on our newly redesigned website. We went through the process of creating the design for our website with our customers in… Read more »
Welcome To Our New Blog
As a family owned and operated business located in Worthington, we at Hard Fire Suppression Systems Inc. have always prided ourselves on our work, illustrating why we’re one of Ohio’s top companies for fire protection systems and service. Because of the pride we take in… Read more »