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Determine What Industrial Explosion Protection is Right for You!

Published Date: September 21st, 2022 | Category: Explosion Prevention

Is your industrial facility at risk of an explosion? Then you need industrial explosion protection in Columbus! At Hard Fire we provide explosion protection throughout Ohio and proudly work with IEP Technologies for installation support and repair services on your industrial explosion protection.

But when you need industrial explosion protection – which type is right for you?

industrial explosion protection Columbus

NFPA National fire code #652 requires a Dust Hazard Assessment (DHA) for every manufacturing line processing and handing combustible dusts. An independent engineering firm, experienced in performing DHA’s, will be the best resource to provide you with the required information needed to protect your employees and business continuity. Also, the US EPA has a directive to visit every manufacturing facility and conduct a similar (less complete) assessment.

Explosion Suppression Systems

If the process dust you are working with is found to be at risk of exploding and is unsafe to be released to a safe outside space or is toxic/harmful to the environment, then your best bet in explosion prevention is explosion suppression. Explosion suppression systems are comprised of three parts:

  • Detector
  • Control unit
  • Suppressor(s)

If there is an ignition, then the detector is configured to respond to the change in pressure rapidly, within milliseconds. The control receives the signal from the detector and sends another signal to the suppressor(s), which then injects suppressant into the vessel. The suppressant is injected at a high rate and velocity, ensuring that there is enough suppressant to engulf, then cool the fireball created by the initial ignition, the deflagration pressure wave falls apart.

These systems are designed to isolate, either mechanically, chemically, or both, the potential of an explosion propagating to other connected equipment.

Explosion Isolation Systems

If the process at risk of exploding is connected to other equipment within the building by conveying through piping networks, is called explosion isolation (often used with deflagration venting of the equipment). Explosion isolation systems are designed to detect an explosion and then isolate it through the creation of a barrier. There are three main ways that isolation can be performed:

  • Chemical
  • Active mechanical
  • Passive mechanical

The use of barriers to isolate the explosion protects interconnected equipment from damage and from creating a larger explosion.

Explosion Venting Systems

Finally, if the product at risk of exploding can be safely vented outside into the environment, a choice for your facility is explosion (deflagration) venting! There are a few other conditions, however.

  • The vessel must be outside or near an outside wall AND must be able to be vented to a safe area with consideration of the fireball expelled and the thermal effects of the vented event, OR
  • The vessel must be outside or near an outside wall AND flameless venting can be safely used OR
  • The vessel is not near an outside wall BUT flameless venting can be safely used

If your facility falls into one of those categories, then either flameless explosion venting, or explosion venting is a choice. Explosion venting works by releasing the pressure from the impending explosion into a safe area, often creating a large fireball where vented. This method of explosion protection is only viable where it can be safely implemented.

If you aren’t sure which industrial explosion protection is right for your Columbus facility or are ready to proceed with this type of protection, call us at 614-882-2990 or contact us!

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