Helping to protect people and property across Ohio since 1945.

Hard Fire Suppression Services protects the city of Cleveland OH.

Fire Prevention Week 2022

Published Date: October 10th, 2022 | Category: Fire Protection

Each year, the second week in October marks NFPA’s Fire Prevention Week. This year, the campaign is “Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.” Highlighting important steps that every business should take to protect employees from the risk of injury due to fire, this week’s campaign marks the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week!

History of Fire Prevention Week

Since 1922, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has sponsored Fire Prevention Week. Fire Prevention Week always falls on the week of October 9, in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire which started on October 8, 1871.

In 1925, President Coolidge declared Fire Prevention Week a national observance – which makes it the longest running public health observance in the United States.

This week signifies a time for firefighters to provide lifesaving education to families, businesses, adults, children – truly everyone who will listen in an attempt to decrease casualties caused by fires.

fire prevention week

Importance of Fire Prevention

If a fire occurs, there are mere seconds separating you from a safe escape and a catastrophe. That’s why it is imperative that each person understands how to safely exit the building they are in. Each member of the community should have an understanding of how to remain safe in case of fire.

One large portion of remaining safe in a fire is understanding where fire escapes are. Many people enter and exit the building through the same doors every day, leaving them in a habit that is hard to break during an emergency. Using the same door you always do can cause clogged exits, meaning that not everyone can make it out quickly and safely. Always make sure that you and others in the building know where the closest fire escape is to avoid tragedy in case of fire.

Escape Planning and Practicing

Another important aspect of fire prevention is having a plan and practicing it so that everyone is confident of their role in an emergency. In your building, conduct routine tests of fire alarms as well as fire drills to ensure that everyone knows the correct routes out of the building. You can appoint leaders to help others get to the designated meeting spot at a safe distance away from the building.

Fire drills are also a great chance to practice utilizing the proper fire escapes and identify any pain points that may lead to someone getting stuck inside. While completing fire drills, be sure to acknowledge any points that cause slowdowns or inhibit people from making it outside.

Additionally, consider requesting that your local fire company come out to show those that live or work in the building how to properly use a fire extinguisher and ensure that those are serviced as often as required.

A fire doesn’t have to mean casualties. Make sure that you and the tenants or employees in your building are safe by participating in Fire Prevention Week.

Are you ready to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week? Call Hard Fire today at 614-882-2990 or contact us!

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